Fine Wine: An Ossan Themed Zine


This is a for-profit zine dedicated to ossans. This issue focuses on original characters.According to TheChosenGiraffe (old man expert), 35-45 is middle aged, 45-60 is older, and 60+ is old. Don't fight her on this, she will cry.

Meet The Team


Interest Check: June 1st - June 30thModeration Applications: June 1st-June 15thApplications: July 1st - July 31stFirst Check In: August 15th - 18thSecond Check In: September 15th - 18thFinal Check In: October 15th - 18thZine Completion: October 31stSales: November 1st

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a zine?
A zine (or fan zine) is a fan-made anthology in the form of a booklet or magazine, filled with artwork and writing, usually centered around a specific theme and catering to a particular fandom.
What is the theme of this zine?
This issue of the zine is original old men characters. We want to explore and show love to older characters.
Will the zine be physical or digital?
This is a digital only zine with an optional NSFW add-on and digital merch.
Can minors participate in this zine?
Contributors must be 18+ years old by the time of application.
Where will the profits go?
This zine is for-profit. All profits will be split between the contributors and mod team.
Can I apply for more than one position?
Yes! You can apply as a writer, page/comic artist, or a merch artist. Please make sure you are able to handle the workload. For more info, check out our application guidelines!
Can I do something for the zine and the NSFW add-on? Can I participate in the NSFW add-on only?
Yes, you may create a piece for both. If you want to do only the NSFW add-on, please note that in your application.
What language will the zine be in?
The zine will be in English.
Will contributors receive a free copy?
All contributors will be given the full bundle (zine, NSFW add-on, and digital merch).
I have other questions.
Please feel free to message me directly on Twitter or Tumblr.

Application and Guidelines

General Contributor GuidelinesEvery contributor MUST be 18 years or older.All pieces must be original for the zine.Full pieces may not be posted unless given permission from the mod team. Sneak peeks must also be approved.Contributors are NOT allowed to sell their pieces as prints/physical merch until after the zine has finished sales.Check-ins are mandatory. Please inform a mod if you will not be able to make a check-in date.Contributors must join the provided Discord to stay updated and receive further guidelines.Pieces MUST be centered around an old man. Old men are the focus of the zine!Please let a moderator know ASAP if you need to drop.Absolutely no AI should be used in the creation of your piece, at any step.Art
All pitches must be approved by a moderator.
Your piece must be a size A4 at 300dpi with some sort of
background. As this is a digital zine, bleed will not be an issue. Go crazy with the colors!
Your piece must be completed.
Comic pieces are welcome, but have a limit of 3 pages. (subject to change)
You can work on digital merch as well.One person will be selected to be a digital cover artist.Writing
All pitches must be approved by a moderator.
Your piece must be at least 1.5k-3k words. (subject to change)Your story must be in English.The story should in some way focus on old men. Romance, platonic, angst, etc. genres are allowed.
You may be both an artist and writer. Just please manage your time wisely.
You may work with another artist to create duo art and story.Merch
Merch ideas must be approved by a moderator.
If you are making wallpapers, please make sure to have multiple sizes for different devices.NSFW merch is allowed, but must be approved beforehand by a moderator.NSFW Add-On
You MUST be 18+ to be apart of the NSFW add-on.
All former rules apply.We will not accept anything relating to bestiality, rape, non-con/dub-con, excessive gore, etc.You may apply for just this part, the SFW zine, or both.If you have any questions on what will be allowed, please ask me or send me a DM.